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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Establishment Basis
Establishment basis of K-eco (Korea Environment Corporation)
K-eco aims to contribute to eco-friendly development of Korea by effectively promoting to prevent environmental pollution, improve the environment, facilitate resource circulation and transit to a carbon-neutral society such as greenhouse gas reduction projects to cope with the climate crisis.(Law No. 19128, the K-eco Act)

Pollution prevention, environment improvement & resource recirculation
Management greenhouse gas for responding to the climate change

Establishment friendly national development

Korea Environment Cooperation Act
Article 1 (Basis) The purpose of this present act is to establish the Korea Environment Cooperation (K-eco), in an effort to handle environment-realated projects, such as pollution prevetion, environment improvement, and recirculation, with maximum efficiency and to establish a circulatory resource management system, while also presenting an environment-friendly blue-print for national development.