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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

The Public Sewerage Information System
sewage treatment plant image

The financial investment
in sewerage sector is about 2 trillion won per year.

Since the management system for the installation and operation of sewerage facilities is
insufficient. It was difficult to identify the status of public sewerage operation and
established national sewerage policy.
For this reason, the sewerage information system was established.
The system manages the sewerage statistics and proceeds with the national subsidy budget.

What is the public sewerage information system?(The public sewerage infomation system > This system has all the information of the public sewerage treatment plant. > Water quality data(BOD, TOC, SS, T-N, T-P) > Chemical usage(ton/day) > Sludge generation, disposal (ton/day) > Recycled water usage(m/day) > Alternative energy production (TOE/day) > Dredging of sewer pipes > Local governments apply for state subsidies > The system manages the sewerage statistics > Provide Ministry of the Environment > Raise awareness