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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Environmental Monitoring Device Inspection
street with street lights

Do our best in order to contribute to the prevention of environmental pollution!

In oder to monitor the environmental pollutants and control the emission facilities, K-eco performs the performance test and level test to maintain accuracy and universality of a monitoring device and enhance credibility of the monitored values.

Environmental monitoring Device Performance Test & Accuracy inspection

Environmental monitoring Device Performance Test & Accuracy inspection List
Performance Test Accuracy Inspection
Test required for getting type approval of each model to maintain accuracy and homogeneity of environmental monitoring equipment before manufacturer, importer and distributor sale their equipment in korea(regulated in law) Inspection for checking accuracy when anyone who use type approved equipment wants to check reliability of equipment and data(regulated in law)
Process tree
Korea Environment Corporation (-Accuracy test, -Performance test, -Standard gas test): Quality test, examination, certification announcement to users, and issuance of performance test certificates to manufacturers and importers. Manufacturer and importer (public sewerage, public environment facilities): Application for performance test to the Korea Environment Corporation, sales to users, supply, A/S. Users (- installation of environmental monitoring equipment, - equipment operation management): Apply for quality inspection to the Korea Environment Corporation, purchase equipment from manufacturers and importers.
Application Procedure
Preparing Application -> Receiving Application -> Examining Documents and Notifying Inspection plan -> NO: Supplementation of Documents, YES: Carrying out Inspection -> Issuing Inspection Reports -> Notifying Results
Related Law
  • Environmental Testing and Inspection act
  • Article 9(Type Approval and Import Declaration, etc. of Measuring Instruments)
  • Article 11(Accuracy Inspection of Measuring Instruments)
  • Article 12(Examination of Correction Articles)
Areas of Inspection
  • Air quality, water quality, drinking water, vehicles, indoor air quality, noise/vibration, soil, calibration of fluid velocity, liquid flow, gas flow
Inspection Application Form Download