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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Non Point Source Pollution Reduction

Non Point Source Pollution Reduction

Non Point Source Reduction Project

The Non Point Source (NPS) refers to the source of emission where the water pollutants are discharged in an unspecified manner from the unspecified places such as cities, roads, agricultural fields, mountainous areas and construction site. In this regard, K-eco installs the Non Point Source Monitoring Center to manage the NPS appropriately.

Non Point Source Reduction in Urban Areas

To handle the NPS generated from the residential, commercial and industrial areas, the ecological retention sites and the ecological parking lots are installed while the infiltration trenches and retention ponds are built by the roads. In the meantime, the large-scale equipment-type facilities are installed in the industrial areas.

Non Point Source Reduction in Rural Areas

To handle the fertilizer, agrochemicals, muddy water, and manure washed off by rainwater from the agricultural and livestock houses, the constructed wetlands of high efficiency are installed.

Non Point Source Reduction Facility Status (2017)
Non Point Source Reduction Facility Status (2017) list
Water Source Facility Status Reduction Facility Status
Natural-Type Equipment-Type
Han River 20 facilities constructed wetlands (2)
retention basin (2)
vegetated swale (1)
vegetation filter strips (1)
infiltration trenches (2)
infiltration retention ponds (1)
LID (2)
filter type (6), vortex type (3)
Nakdong River 2 facilities constructed wetlands (1) coagulation and sedimentation (1)
Geum River 7 facilities constructed wetlands (5) filter type (1), vortex type(1)
Yeongsan River 6 facilities constructed wetlands (1)
ecology pond (2)
filter type (3)
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