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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Operation of Among Neighbors Center for FloorNoise

Operation of Among Neighbors Center for Floor Noise Call Center Telephone consultation

Receiving Application and Phone Consultation (Step 1): - Website( Online Application, -Call Center(1661-2642) Consulting and Telephone Reception, * Phone Consultation: Suggestion and Mediation of adjustment measures / Mailing Service: -Mailing to applican's neighbor, First mail: To Ask whether he/she wishes to participate consultation > If Yes: Arrange the first meeting, If No or No answer: Send second mail / On site Service Home Visiting Service for Consultation (Step 2): - Consultation with applicant and stakeholders (neighbor, management office etc.) to mitigate conflict by our expert -> Consultation Complete / On site Service Home Visiting Service for Noise Measurement (Step 3): - Noise Measurement Service provided upon request(Arrange the Time and date based on applican's requst) -> Inform results and Close the cate Transferred to Regional Dispute Committee