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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Packaging Material and Method Inspection
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Packaging wastes are the wastes disposed after being used as packaging materials for distribution of products. K-eco inspects the methods of product packaging and separate disposal indication verification to minimize packaging wastes and promote recycling.

Product Packaging Method Inspection

K-eco minimizes unnecessary packaging by reducing the volume and the number of packaging materials required. Product types subject to packaging method regulations include foods, cosmetic products, detergents, commodities, over-thecounter drugs, apparels, synthetic products and electronic products, total 8 products and 23 items. The volume of packaging and the number of packaging are inspected according to the packaging standard by product type.

Separate Disposal Labeling Inspection

For those who intend to apply for separate disposal indication that are exempt from Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR) should pass the inspection on synthetic resin and other complexes.